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A Moment of Calm Urban Wellness Pop Up

a moment of calm

Urban Wellness Relaxation taster rituals in the Heart of the city. A time to take a moment for yourself to reassess, rebalance and then return to your world ultimately refreshed.

Choose from Reiki taster - an intuitive healing system that does not use medications or instruments. It uses only looking, blowing, stroking , (light) tapping, and touching (of the afflicted part of the body).

Metamorphic technique - a ritual where a light, non-invasive touch on specific areas of the feet, hands and head are employed while at the same time providing a space free from direction towards a particular outcome

Location ; Pop-up Room, Bloc 17, Marble St, Manchester M2 3AW

Sessions ; 20mins

Investment: £25 per session on booking

30 March

A Moment of Calm Urban Wellness Pop Up